Welcome to our HaveFunLiveStrong LifeStyle website

Since we don't use Facebook, this website was created to keep our family and friends updated on our whereabouts and more importantly, to stay and keep in touch.

We will share pictures and video clips, make announcements and provide information to encourage and inspire the best in us.

Our HaveFunLiveStrong LifeStyle brand and mantra is about living a genuine and purposeful life. Life is constantly changing, but our personal Style -- our true self -- should always be a constant.

So let's get updated, Have-Fun-Live-Strong, and thrive!

Homage to my Lovely Wife

"Fashion changes but style endures" --Coco Chanel

Fashion says ‘me too’ style says ‘only me’. --Anonymous

Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak. --Rachel Zoe

TBS Benevolence-In-Action

Spark of Inspiration Came to Life

Inspiring others to realize their full potential has always been Tom's interest and that became his passion. His vision materialized in 2018 when an 8-year-old girl (Jena is pictured here) unknowingly cut in line at a yogurt shop in Pearl City, Hawaii. 

This interaction sparked life into TBS Benevolence-In-Action. To learn more about TBS, click on the button below.

Message for the Day:

"...your one wild and precious life."